We are living one of the most semantic periods in human history. Virtually every aspect of human life is undergoing drastic conceptual changes: science, ecology, arts, economy, technology, politics, even medicine.
The concept of man as a whole is replacing fast the previous view of the patient as a fragmented diagnostic entity (separated into parts, each carrying a specific ailment or diagnostic category). Patients cannot be viewed in fragments without violating fundamental and universal laws of nature. Each person is a unique individual, whole and complete, functioning as a totality in relation to the surrounding universe. Laws governing nature and the universe are not separate to those governing the functions of living organisms (1). There are dynamic balances through which both individuals and the environment benefit from.
The human body is a dynamic structure constantly renewing itself through a continuous process of cell replacement; it is in constant motion just to remain stand still. It never stops creating and destroying itself at the same time. Catabolism and anabolism balance each other out and through constant activity. This also gives an insight into the incredible complexity of the human organism and the smoothly coordinated operation of its processes (2). This brings us to the definition of health.
For homeopaths, the state of health is that natural and dynamic attunement of the whole organism in a harmonious state of smoothly coordinated functioning and balance. Health is therefore defined as status of the whole organism, the whole person, mind, body and spirit and not just the absence of sickness symptoms. In other words the state of health in the physical body is in essence freedom from pain having attained a state of wellbeing; freedom from passion, on the emotional level, resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm (the state of being capable of feeling freely the full range of human emotions without being enslaved by them from moment to moment); and freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with the divine or truth, enabling actions dedicated to creative service (3).
So what is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a reliable medicinal practice through which a patient’s individual “system” can be set to a balanced order or homeostasis and thus on the road to recovery. Patients are seen as complete units encompassing mental, emotional and physical dimensions all of which must form one well balanced whole. Furthermore the holistic approach of Homeopathy, in its essence, addresses crucially the heavy burden of hereditary tendencies.
Homeopathy can produce spectacular results. Some may go as far as to say it does wonders. And it can do so through its science and not through miracles! It works because is based on simple but profoundly insightful and infallible natural Laws and Principles, the immutable pillars of our science. Laws and principles never die they are essential truths, represented by or corresponding to the evident (4). And I will explain.
Definition of Science:
Add Your Heading Text Herebody of laws or principles, body of truths or realities, area of study, exact knowledge of proximate causes or in other words, Science is knowledge reduced to law and embodied in a system.
Law and not Rule is the word used, because laws are made by infallible Nature where as rules are made by fallible Human beings (5). A law is fundamental and the mere fact we may not recognize it, does not mean that the law does not exist. Even man-made laws, which in true sense are not laws but rules laid down by man for man, it is recognized that ignorance cannot be an excuse (6).
In more specific scientific sense, a law is the connecting link between two series of phenomena, which demonstrates their interrelation and needs to be in harmony with other known laws. Hence in homeopathy exist the phenomena of remedies related to the phenomena of diseases by the law of mutual action, under the fixed principles of similarity, contrariety, proportionality and “infinitesimallity” (7). Consequently, since Homeopathy conforms to every requirement of these general, authoritative definitions of science, it is indisputable that it is a science.
Fixed principles and laws never fail, and as mentioned above, never change and that is taken as the principle authority. These are like sign posts that guide homeopaths through a maize without which they would be lost and forever changing direction. Unfortunately there are many practicing homeopathy without having mastered the principal authority and that invariably leads to failure. Experience has a role in science, but only by way of confirming results (8).
For example, it has been experimentally proven that in homeopathy medicines cure, or remove symptoms in the sick similar to those, which they have the power of producing in healthy persons. Prescribing is not based upon pathological diagnosis, or the name of a disease, but exclusively upon the similarity of the symptoms of the patient to the symptoms that a tested remedy produces in a healthy person.
Experience in medicine, principally relies on physical sensory perceptions (sight, touch, odor, etc.) is based mainly on appearances, and as the old saying goes, appearances can be wonderfully deceptive (8). Time and time again it is observed that when science is based mainly on experience, no matter how deviated it is from the truth, it only generates assumptions. Then when with time new ideas and different experiments are made, previous assumptions are proscribed and new ones are voted in, only to be made redundant again in the near future.
Is Homeopathy also an art?
Art and science are inseparably bound together. Every art has its foundation in science, and every science finds its expression in art (9).
Man is characterized mainly by how he thinks and what he loves, in other words his will and understanding guide him through life. These are the two main parts, which form his core (10).
Thus, it is logical that everything that takes place in an organism, starts from the centre and moves to the circumference. The direction of cure is similar, from the interior to the exterior. Injuries are results of external violence, but diseases result from internal violence, which creates disorder flowing from the innermost to the outermost (8).
In recapping disease, it is any state of disharmony/imbalance in a person manifested by signs and symptoms, some coarse and gross others fine and subtle; some physical, some emotional and some mental. It is a state or condition of the whole person and should never be conceived of as being confined solely to certain localized physical symptoms or to a specific cluster of symptoms that have been given a specific name (the so-called disease label, i.e. cancer) or which are conceived of as an invading entity (named disease i.e. avian flu) that can, for example, affect whole populations in much the same way (2).
Disease is a disturbance of order created by unbalanced Vital Force (VF). This VF is clearly described by J.T. Kent as “Having formative intelligence, being subject to changes, pervading the material substance without replacing it, creating order in the body, belonging to the realm of quality rather than quantity, being adaptable and being constructive” (11). Unbalanced VF creates a totality of symptoms and signs (cough, fever, chills, pain, etc.), which is the only way that diseases express themselves through. These symptoms and signs are the <b>only representative expression</b> of the disease state and because nothing in nature can be represented by a single property, no disease can be represented by a single symptom. If only exterior symptoms are addressed (common allopathic medicine) the patient will not be cured since the nature of the sickness itself prevails in the interior (8). Therefore, the patient’s disease symptoms should be given least priority. Homeopathy heals from inside out, and physical symptoms tend to be the last to appear “on the surface”. The physical body produces expressions of the internal mental, emotional and energetic aspects of the human being. By eliminating external physical symptoms alone (allopathic medicine), the real internal cause of disease gets suppressed at the risk of symptoms resurfacing differently and invariably more severely.
A homeopath, to be able to perceive this totality of symptoms, has to be patient, gentle, tolerant and forbearing and this is where art comes upon. He must observe and perceive more particularly, the symptoms that the patient unknowingly tries to conceal; because he cannot relate or has no knowledge of how homeopathy works. Altered states like actions, sensations, emotions, behaviors and feelings that the patient would not normally have in healthy state, are the true evidence of disease.
However, common symptoms like the fever, redness of the throat, swollen glands, type of cough, color of the skin, etc. are also taken into account, but these are of least importance. They are only the result of disease! Under these common rubrics we have listed more than 60 different remedies bringing up the same symptoms. Only by considering the totality of all the symptoms, will the homeopath be able to prescribe the correct remedy. In other words, based upon the Nature of the disease and not on the Name of the disease.
Is Homeopathy also an art?
Art and science are inseparably bound together. Every art has its foundation in science, and every science finds its expression in art (9).
Man is characterized mainly by how he thinks and what he loves, in other words his will and understanding guide him through life. These are the two main parts, which form his core (10).
Thus, it is logical that everything that takes place in an organism, starts from the centre and moves to the circumference. The direction of cure is similar, from the interior to the exterior. Injuries are results of external violence, but diseases result from internal violence, which creates disorder flowing from the innermost to the outermost (8).
In recapping disease, it is any state of disharmony/imbalance in a person manifested by signs and symptoms, some coarse and gross others fine and subtle; some physical, some emotional and some mental. It is a state or condition of the whole person and should never be conceived of as being confined solely to certain localized physical symptoms or to a specific cluster of symptoms that have been given a specific name (the so-called disease label, i.e. cancer) or which are conceived of as an invading entity (named disease i.e. avian flu) that can, for example, affect whole populations in much the same way (2).
Disease is a disturbance of order created by unbalanced Vital Force (VF). This VF is clearly described by J.T. Kent as “Having formative intelligence, being subject to changes, pervading the material substance without replacing it, creating order in the body, belonging to the realm of quality rather than quantity, being adaptable and being constructive” (11). Unbalanced VF creates a totality of symptoms and signs (cough, fever, chills, pain, etc.), which is the only way that diseases express themselves through. These symptoms and signs are the only representative expression of the disease state and because nothing in nature can be represented by a single property, no disease can be represented by a single symptom. If only exterior symptoms are addressed (common allopathic medicine) the patient will not be cured since the nature of the sickness itself prevails in the interior (8). Therefore, the patient’s disease symptoms should be given least priority. Homeopathy heals from inside out, and physical symptoms tend to be the last to appear “on the surface”. The physical body produces expressions of the internal mental, emotional and energetic aspects of the human being. By eliminating external physical symptoms alone (allopathic medicine), the real internal cause of disease gets suppressed at the risk of symptoms resurfacing differently and invariably more severely.
A homeopath, to be able to perceive this totality of symptoms, has to be patient, gentle, tolerant and forbearing and this is where art comes upon. He must observe and perceive more particularly, the symptoms that the patient unknowingly tries to conceal; because he cannot relate or has no knowledge of how homeopathy works. Altered states like actions, sensations, emotions, behaviors and feelings that the patient would not normally have in healthy state, are the true evidence of disease.
However, common symptoms like the fever, redness of the throat, swollen glands, type of cough, color of the skin, etc. are also taken into account, but these are of least importance. They are only the result of disease! Under these common rubrics we have listed more than 60 different remedies bringing up the same symptoms. Only by considering the totality of all the symptoms, will the homeopath be able to prescribe the correct remedy. In other words, based upon the Nature of the disease and not on the Name of the disease.
Vithoulkas, George.Homeopathy Medicine for the New Millenium Coming of the New Millenium. pg. 1, 2.
Morrell, Peter. The Principles of Homeopathy. Health and Disease.
Vithoulkas, George. The Science of Homeopathy. The Three Levels of the Human Being: The Definition and Measure of Health. pg. 40.
Close, S. The Genius of Homeopathy, Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Phylosophy. The Psychological Point of View. pg. 7.
De Schepper, Luc, MD, PhD, CHom, DIHom, Lic. Ac. Hahnemann Revisited. Laws and Principles, pg. 26
Roberts, A. Herbert, MD. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy. Homeopathy and the Fundamental Laws. pg. 47
Close, S. The Genius of Homeopathy, Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Phylosophy. General Interpretations. pg. 23
Kent, T. James, MD. Lectures on Homeopathic Phylosophy. “Fixed Principles”. Law and Government from Centre. pg. 27, 28, 30.
Close, S. The Genius of Homeopathy, Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Phylosophy. Relations of Science and Art. pg. 19
Kent, T. James, MD. Lectures on Homeopathic Phylosophy. The sick. pg. 9.
Kent, T. James, MD. Lectures on Homeopathic Phylosophy. Simple Substance. pg. 59-69.
Rutten, Lex, 2009. Scientific Research in Homeopathy, Hypathy Enzine, 5th September.
Ullman, Dana, MPH. The Homeopathic Revolution: Famous People and Cultural Heroes Who Chose Homeopathy