Fever, also known as pyrexia, is a condition where there is an increase in the body’s temperature, normally in response to a viral, bacterial or fungal infections or toxins, drugs reactions.
The body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus. Neurons in hypothalamus receive two types of information: one from peripheral nerves that transmit from warmth/cold receptors in the skin and the other from the temperature of the blood bathing the region. These two types of signals are received and processed by the thermoregulatory centre of the hypothalamus to maintain normal temperature.
A normal range of body temperature of human body is between 36-37˚Celsius (C); 98-100˚ Farenheit (F).
Whenever the temperature raises beyond this range as a response to any infection is termed as fever. Fever is considered significant when temperature rises above 37C or 100-degree F. Important to note that a significant high rise of temperature (extreme hyperpyrexia) is a medical emergency.
Fevers are classified into different types as acute (less than 7 days), sub-acute (around 2 weeks) and chronic or persistent fevers (more than 2 weeks duration). Based on the body temperature they can also be classified as low grade, moderate and high-grade fevers. Each fever has also different types: sustained/continuous fevers, intermittent fevers and remittent fevers. The different classifications and types of fever can also further aid on the selection of the correct homeopathic treatment.
Hence, fevers occur as a result of the body’s natural defence mechanism against foreign bodies like bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxins and drugs. Therefore, the rise in temperature is a result of the signal from hypothalamus in the brain to increase the body temperature set point in order to help the body fight off the infection.
This can also occur in response to non-infectious conditions such as Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Inflammatory bowel disease, or vaccinations, or teething to name a few.
As we learn to understand the workings of the body, we realise that fever is an ally rather than an enemy. Although a raised temperature does signal a disturbance, the fever per si is not the disease, but rather a symptom of the disease.
Most Common Fever Symptoms
The most common fever symptoms are those associated with flue or influenza and these generally are: lethargy, lack of appetite, body pain, headaches, weakness, dizziness, lack of energy, inability to focus, nausea, vomiting, sore throats and cough may be present, as well as delirium or convulsions (only in high fever).
Conventional Treatment for Fever
Here we part company with traditional medicine, where the doctors are trained to suppress fever while homeopathy regards fever as an important part of the healing process. The most common drugs used to reduce fever known as antipyretics are Aspirin, Tylenol and Ibuprofen amongst others. These drugs can be used individually or in alternation.
These oral medications have long been used to temporarily relieve a wide variety of pain, inflammation and to reduce fever. Though effective, it is not recommended for anyone to take such oral medications in a huge dosage amounts or long-term usage as they provide some mild to serious adverse side-effects.
With the long list of side effects that these oral medications may cause, more and more people are turning to natural alternatives that are not only effective but also cause no side effects.
Homeopathic Approach for Fever
Homeopathy is one of the most popular natural, complete system of medicine. The selection of the correct homeopathic remedy for fever is based upon the totality of symptoms that are being expressed by the patient, taking into account not only the type of fever but all the other accessory symptoms that are present in the patient.
This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be attained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.
The aim of treatment is not only to address the fever, but also to address the underlying cause and susceptibility of the individual.
Practical Measures
If the patient has a fever of 39.0C and above, get a bowl of lukewarm water diluted with two table spoons of cider vinegar with the mother, and wipe the Right palm of hand and wrist as well as the Left sole of foot and ankle and then vice versa, Left palm with Right foot, as well as forehead and temples. The reason behind has to do with the way that the blood circulates in the body.
For fevers up to 39C and below, run a bath 0.2C above the temperature of the patient. For example, if the child has 38.5C, run a bath at 30.7C. The body throws a fever in the effort to kill/get rid of the pathogen. By lowering it with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen you are working against the body. By bringing it slightly above, the immune system gets the signal that the job is done, hence you working with the body and not against the body, which as a result brings the fever down.
Again, this is the first Law of Homeopathy working at its best:) Perfect, Immutable and Infallible.
As far as therapeutics, several well-proved medicines are available for fever symptoms treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause (aetiology), sensation (type of pain) and modalities (what relives or worsens the condition) of the complaints.
For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic physician and many are working online. Some important remedies are given below for fever symptoms treatment:
Belladonna, Aconite, Ferrum phos, Arsenic album, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla, Natrum mur, China, Baptisia, Nux vomica, Brynoia, Rhus tox, Apis mel and many other medicines.
Fevers that come suddenly. Cold stage most marked. Evening chilliness soon after going to bed; cold waves pass through him. Thirst and restlessness always present. Chill if uncovered or touched; dry heat, red face. Most valuable fever remedy with mental anguish, restlessness etc. sweat drenching, on parts lain on; reliving all symptom.
Arsenic album
High temperature, patient is very restless but, nevertheless suffer from marked exhaustion. Usually with fever there is thirst for small quantity of water at very short intervals. They will be sipping throughout the day. Cold sweats. Aggravation time between midnight and 2 a.m. and 12 noon and 2 p.m. The restlessness might be mental (the patient will feel very agitated mentally, usually wanting someone around, or physical making him move from place to place, e.g. from the bed to the sofa and so on.
Chills with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Heat all over, with occasional chills. There is great nervousness, chilliness and aching pains especially in head, back and limbs. Sore and bruised feeling of the parts rested upon; no matter whatever position lies cannot find relief. A keynote is that all the body discharges, i.e. urine, sweat, stool and breath, are extremely offensive. Another marked indication in stupor stage is sleepiness, where the person falls asleep when talking to others.
Sudden, violent onset. High fever with sudden rise of temperature with red face and throbbing of carotids. Fever generally comes at 3 pm.
Throbbing carotid and temporal arteries. Violent beating of the arteries. Chills in evening, especially on extremities, more on arms, with heat in the head and upper body. Internal cold, with external burning heat. The body feels like is radiating heat. Intense burning heat both internally and externally. Sweat is only on the covered parts and on head or there may be complete lack of any sweat. Chills alternating with heat. Evening chills with shivering.
Eyes glazed with dilated pupils. Carving for lemonade might be present.
Slow onset. Fevers after taking cold or getting hot in the Summer. From getting chilled while overheated, from cold drinks or ice in hot weather or from exposure to cold winds or drafts. The patient might be restless but every movement aggravates, even the motion of the eyes. An intense headache might be present with a sensation as if the head would burst at the temples; sharp pains over the eyes, faintness on rising up, dry mouth and a tongue coated white in the middle. In Bryonia fevers the patient is very thirsty for large quantities of water at rather infrequent intervals. Once had a patient which told me “I want to drink a river dry”.
China or Cinchona officinalis
Intermittent fever with paroxysm of every 2 or 3 hours. Fever rarely at night. Sweats profusely all over the body while being covered or during sleep. Great debility with great sensitivity to being touched, to pain, to drafts of air. One hand icy cold the other warm.
Ferrum phosphoricum
In all early stage of fever; beginning of the inflammatory stage. Very useful when the fever appears with no other associated symptoms. So, no earache, sore throat or cough are present. Just a fever.
Wants to be held, because he is shivering so much. They feel the chills running up and down the back. Muscular soreness might be present with great prostration. The patient just wants to lie down and will be very sleepy. With the prostration, dizziness is present and if they attempt to get up, faintness is pronounced. Despite the fever as with Pulsatilla there is no thirst. Fevers that come in the Summer.
Natrum muriaticum
The aggravation time usually comes between 9 and 11 am. Violent thirst, which increases with fever. Fever blisters might be present. Coldness of the body, and continued chillness very marked. Dry cracked lips. Very useful in intermittent fevers.
Homeopathic medicine for fever has chilliness, even in warm room, without thirst. Chilly with pains, in spots, worse evening; Usually the chill stage comes about 4 p.m. with intolerable burning heat at night. One sided sweat; pains during sweat. Loss of appetite, nausea.
Nux vomica
Fever with gastric symptoms; one important indication for the use of this remedy is that the patient feels chilly when uncovered. During fever patient must be covered from head to foot in every stage; chill, heat and sweat. The cold stage predominates.
Rhus tox
The chills start at around 7 P.M. The patient usually feels as being dashed with ice water. Least movement like eating and drinking aggravate his chill but he still moves about for movement in an effort to ease his pain. Following the chills come the heat stage where the blood that was previously running like icy water, now feels boiling hot. Intense restlessness and the patient is continuously changes his position but finds rest nowhere. In Arsenicum the patient moves from place to place in Rhus tox the patient tosses and turns in an attempt to relieve his pains. The tongue of Rhus Tox is characteristically broad and flabby with imprint of teeth or is dry, cracked with red edges and triangular red tip. Fevers that come by exposure to wet, damp cold weather.
An excellent remedy for fever when the skin is dry and hot and there is no sweat. The fever seems to burn the patient up (like Belladonna), the tongue is dry and red and the patient at first is sleepless and restless, but soon becomes drowsy. Frequent flashes of heat throughout the whole body. Frequent flashes of heat. Bright redness of the lips or other body orifices.
Feet feel cold during day time, but at night they burn and the patient sticks them out of the covers.
About the Author
Education Personal
- BSc – Food Engineering, 1989 – Porto University, Portugal (High Class Honors)
- MSc – Food Microbiology, 1991 – University of Reading in the UK
- PhD – Applied Microbiology, 1997 – King’s College, London
- DIHom(Pract) – Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine, Practitioner Level British Institute of Homeopathy
- FBIH – Fellowship for life, British Institute of Homeopathy
- RSHom – Member of The Society of Homeopaths
As a homeopath, my ultimate goal is to help you live to your fullest capacity, where the entire spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical being is restored to the natural state it was created in. Please do get in touch if you are ready to begin your healing journey.
Website: www.alexcmelo.com
Alexandra Melo