Homeopathic Clinic
The aim of the clinic is to help patients understand homeopathy and provide information for access to homeopathic therapy in the UK and worldwide. It might come as a surprise, but homeopathy is by far the most widely practised alternative medicine in the world.
Prior to your first appointment

Prior to your first appointment
Prior to your first appointment, you will need to read and accept Terms & Conditions and fill out in detail the adequate questionnaire (which you can find below).
- Adults Questionnaire (12 years old onwards)
- Children Questionnaire (3 to 11 years old)
- Babies Questionnaire (0 to 2 years old)
- Animals Questionnaire
Some of the basic task of the patient is to report every deviation from the natural function, not only on the physical level, but also on the mental/emotional levels (e.g.relationships, work stresses, reaction to environmental changes, food cravings and aversions, sexual desire, quality of sleep, etc). Even small observations that seem insignificant from an allopathic standpoint may well be crucial from the homeopathic perspective.
Upon completion you will submit the questionnaire online, for a thorough study and evaluation. I will then arrange for a suitable time to book your visit to the clinic or arrange for a Skype consultation.
First consultation
Initial consultations can be lengthy lasting up to 120 minutes depending on time required to clarify important points and/or add additional information necessary to help me provide an appropriate personalised homeopathic treatment plan.
I will investigate not only your main ailment / complaint (the reason why you seek therapy) in great detail, but also areas such as sleep, diet, personal and family medical history. I will also be interested in hearing about any areas of your life that you may consider stressful or experiencing difficulties with.
Depending on the condition and circumstances of your ailment, I may encourage a visit to your doctor for hospital tests. Being able to make an informed choice about treatment options is an important aspect of the journey towards health and well being.
All information is kept strictly confidential.

Once all information has been taken and thoroughly studied a homeopathic medicine will be prescribed. This does not always happens on the spot, as due to the amount of information and complexity of cases, it is often necessary to spend time reviewing, analysing and studying the case, to conclude on the optimal treatment.
Homeopathic remedies are usually administered in the form of pills, or diluted as a liquid remedy. Clear instructions on the administration of remedies will be provided.
In certain instances, if deemed necessary, advice on nutrition and lifestyle will be provided.
A follow up consultation is typically suggested 4- 6 weeks after the initial appointment. However this may be brought forward depending on the case. Follow ups can last 30 min up to one hour. The purpose of a follow up is to assess how response to the homeopathic remedy and to prescribe further, as needed.
Depending on the chronicity of a condition several pre-planned follow ups may be suggested, typically 3 weeks to a month from initial treatment for an initial period of 3 months and thereafter spread over longer intervals, from 3 to 6 months.
Length of treatment depends on the nature and duration (chronicity) of your condition, and on occasion, on the quantity of medication administered.
Homeopathic medicines do not create dependency. They aim to help you live to your fullest capacity by increasing your general level of health and strengthening your immune system. When this is achieved and symptoms improved, treatment can be discontinued.
Often treatment does not aim to heal at once but instead by reflecting the analysis of a case, prescribes progressively most appropriate remedies over a period of time, until a general state of homeostasis is attained.
Homeopathy works, but in order to be effective, requires a genuine commitment to treatment and time to allow it to show its results. It is important that at least 2 consultations, two to 3 months apart to be scheduled. The body needs time to heal. As an example, if there is a big, deep wound, the indicated remedy (e.g. Calendula or Staphysagria) will prevent infection and/or suppuration and will promote granulation or knitting of the flesh, but this process will require some time. Following a big scab will form, and after some more time, will fall leaving a scar in its place. The scar is usually a red, raised line, which will gradually get paler and flatter over time. This process according to the NHS can take up to two years to fade.
Hence, it is important, especially in chronic disease that the remedy is allowed to act, so that healing and rebalance of the energetic pattern that is creating the symptom or illness in the sick person takes place. The time, efforts and results are so worth it. As a client on homeopathy, you will take power over your own health.

Video Conference
The initial consultation aspects of your life will be discussed in detail (see relevant questionnaire). Be prepared to afford the time needed as well as be relaxed, focused and willing to talk about yourself.
Follow up consultations can last up to one hour. During this session, preferably at a pre-planned interval from initial treatment, the effects of your therapy are assessed and adapted accordingly. Further in –depth exchange regarding your life may be necessary.
Cancellation Fees
Notice of at least 24 hours is required for appointment rescheduling or cancellations. Please note that a fee of £40 will be also charged for late cancellations and missed appointments.
Consultation Prices:
- 1st Homeopathic Consultation, 1.5 to 2 hours: 150£/ US 200$
- Follow Up, up to one hour: 100£/ US 145$
- Prepaid follow ups: 90£ / US 110$
- Acute Consultation (Conditions with a sudden onset, lasting only a few days or few weeks), up to 30 min: 60£/ US 80$
- Animal Owner Coaching, one hour: 75£/ US 110$
Telephone calls, Skype calls, E-mails
In between frequent and/or regular appointments, brief discussions regarding your therapy are free of charge.For phone, Skype and/or e-mail consultations addressing new issues and or involving prolonged discussion and/or change remedies, standard fees apply.