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Weekdays: 9am to 5pm
Saturdays: 9am to 2pm

Classical Homeopath in London, UK
“I practice classical homeopathy and provide counselling in holistic treatments and nutrition. With a passion for health and science, I initiated my academic path in the fields of food & nutrition culminating with a PhD in applied microbiology from Kings College London.
about me
Raised two children and supported my family but my love for science never diminished. I soon embarked on a journey pursuing the optimal approach to health and well-being, which led me to becoming a fully trained homeopath. I have found this holistic approach to be most complete, bringing real and lasting health benefits as it focuses on the cause of disease, rather than just the superficial removal or suppression of symptoms. As a scientist and a practitioner of the healing art of homeopathy, I have focused on a system of therapy that has been a blessing to my family, patients and me.t me
As a homeopath, my ultimate goal is to help you live to your fullest capacity, where the entire spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical being is restored to the natural state it was created in. From the times of Hippocrates (considered father to modern medicine) the human being was recognised as a trinity of body, mind and spirit, with the last being perhaps the most important part.”
“Man consists in what he thinks and what he loves, and there is nothing else in man (Dr James T. Kent)”.

Classical Homeopath in London, UK
Personal Accreditations
– BSc – Food Engineering, 1989 – Porto University, Portugal (High Class Honors) – MSc – Food Microbiology, 1991 – University of Reading in the UK – PhD – Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Microbiology, 1997 – King’s College, London – DIHom(Pract) – Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine, Practitioner Level British Institute of Homeopathy – FBIH – Fellow at the British Institute of Homeopathy – RSHom – Member of The Society of HomeopathsPostdoctoral Positions
– From 1997 to 1998 – GSK Pharmaceuticals
Researching the efficacy of antiseptic cream Savlon in decreasing the numbers of significant pathogens (e.g. E. coli) found on the hands of community nurses.– From 1998 to 2000 – Imperial College London
Impact of different oxidative stresses on an unicellular marine algae. The advantage was that these particular algae, although marine, could live and reproduce in a synthetic environment mimicking seawater. The project was financed by the Portuguese government, which interest was to determine the impact of different types of pollution on marine algae along the Portuguese coast.
– From 2005 to 2009 Studied with the British Institute of Homeopathy to become a fully trained homeopath
2005 – 2009
British Institute of Homeopathy (BIH) -
: DIHom: Degree following the General Course of Studies in Homeopathic Medicine -
: Samuel Hahnemann Award in recognition of exceptionally high performance, presented by William Tankard – Hahnemann, Patron of the British Institute of Homeopathy -
DIHom (Pract) : Homeopathy in Practice, Advanced Case Taking and Repertorisation -
Clinical Internship -
FBIH – Declared life-long Fellow having met high standards of excellence and demonstrating commitment to the healing art of homeopathic medicine required by BIH’s council
My publications
A new procedure to treat food products was designed using a bacteriocin called nisin. Nisin is a natural substance with antibiotic like properties, produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and approved for food use. Nisin is generally effective against most Gram-positive bacteria, but not so against most Gram-negative cells. However, it proved effective in the cases of Campylobacter, Salmonella and Pseudomonas species, economically significant food poisoning organisms of foods such as meat, fish and poultry. The new natural developed procedure increased the access of nisin to the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, especially Gram-negative, thus promoting cell death.
Publications – International Journals
– Carneiro de Melo, A. M. S., Cook, G. M., Miles, R. J., Poole, R. K. (1996) Nisin Stimulates Oxygen Consumption by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol 62. No5., pp. 1831-1834.
– Callaway, T. R., Carneiro de Melo, A. M. S., Russel, J. B. (1997). The Effect of Nisin and Monensin on Ruminal Fermentations in vitro. Curr. Microbiol. Vol 35. No 2, pp. 90-95.
– Carneiro de Melo, A. M. S., Cassar, C. A., Miles, R. J. (1998). Trisodium Phosphate Increases Sensitivity of Gram-Negative Bacteria to Lysozyme and Nisin. Journal of Food Protection. Vol 7. pp. 839-843.
– Carneiro de Melo, A.M.S., (2013). Homeopathy a Science and an Art. Feb, 2013. is the world’s leading homeopathy portal.
Online since 2001 | Community Powered Thousands of articles | 800+ Authors Publisher of Homeopathy 4 Everyone – world’s most popular professional homeopathy publication. 48000+ subscribers Half a Million+ visitors every month
Forum discussion: Homeopathy A Science And An Art
Passionate about Nature and Science.
Hobbies: Horse riding, Yoga, Reading, Walking with my dogs.
On my way to becoming a Homeopathic Doctor
About me
Renowned internationally as a homeopathic doctor, teacher, author, researcher and campaigner for the advance of homeopathy. Formerly Managing Director at Nelson’s in London and president of Dolisos America Inc. He held Royal Warrants to the Queen and the Queen Mother, as their supplier of homeopathic medicines. Dr. Cook was formerly president of the Homeopathic Medical Association (1986-94) and a member of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States. In 1993, was awarded an international gold medal in recognition of his services to homeopathy and his work in the training of visually impaired and disabled people. In 1995 he received a silver trophy at the 4th International Conference for his contribution to homeopathic research. Dr. Cook, Director and Principal of The British Institute of Homeopathy tutored me towards DIHom.
Having studied most of his work, attended for three consecutive years annual seminars at the reputable International Academy for Classical Homeopathy. George Vithoulkas, is the founder of the Academy on the Greek island of Alonissos. Internationally established homeopaths like Bill Gray, Jan Scholten, F. Schroyens, A. Zaren, A. Geukens, Roger Morrison, and Louis Klein have all had training by Vithoulkas. In 1996 he was awarded the “Alternative Nobel Prize” for his life’s work.
Dr Luc finished his medical studies in 1971 in Belgium. As part of a further training course in acupuncture, he began to also study homeopathy. In 1981 he moved to the USA. Since 1991, he only treats his patients with homeopathy. He has a private practice in San Diego, California. Dr Luc has treated over 200,000 patients in 29 years, in recent years solely with homeopathic LM potencies. He is the founder of the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and author of 12 books on homeopathy.
He started a homeopathic website and online study group, and began teaching for The School of Homeopathy, New York, a sister-school of Misha Norland’s School of Homeopathy in Devon, England.In January 2002 he closed his practice in Maine, and moved to Portland, Oregon to chair the department of homeopathy at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM), serving 11 years. Dr. Taylor has published articles in the American Homeopath and Simillimum, and has presented at numerous conferences, including conferences sponsored by the NCH, NASH, the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, the Ohio State Homeopathic Medical Society, as well as conferences in Germany and Bulgaria.